Curved border of brown dragons.

Maureen's Filk Index

So what's filk?

My Filks

Lyrics to some of the filksongs I've written. Some are originals, some are parodies. I hope you like them.

I've been working on my album, and here are MP3s of two tracks:
"Barrayaran Roses" (1245K) [lyrics]
"Rosie's Song" (1347K). [lyrics].

"Rosie's Song" will be redone, but "Barrayaran Roses" is probably going to stay. (Guitar, additional voices and production are by Steve Macdonald.)

Please feel free to pass these MP3s around as much as you want. If I didn't want 'em out there, I wouldn't've put 'em up on the Web, now would I?

Links to Darn Near All the Filk on the Web, By Subject:

Science fiction and fantasy, fandom, the SCA, computers, science and technology, and the Real World. And yes, I do get these search frenzies sometimes.
Pre-Filk Filk with MIDIs!

I bought my first filk tape -- Off Centaur's sampler tape -- for five dollars in 1986. I attended my first filk in 1989, at ConTraption in Michigan. My first concert was at MillenniCon in 1993. My next one (which went much better!) was at Marcon in 2000. In August 2001, I was Interfilk Guest at ConChord 15 in Los Angeles.

What those bare facts don't tell you is that my life changed forever when I met people who sang songs that spoke to me. More than Celtic or rock or classical, filk is the music of my heart. It is music in which the latest science can coexist with the oldest dreams of the human race. It is a folk tradition passed along in hotel meeting rooms in the middle of the night, in staticky recordings on blank tape or beautifully produced CDs, and along the wires of the world.

I love it more than I say, and I am honored to be part of it.






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